Who are we?

THE ROMANIAN OPEN-AIR MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION – AMALR – is a non-governmental organization, with legal personality, having a cultural and professional scope, headquartered in Bucharest, 28-30 Kiseleff Street, 1st District. The Association was set up in 1993 at Sibiu. It is affiliated to AEOM, ICOM, ICOMOS (renowned organizations promoting and preserving the worldwide material and immaterial heritage) whose main purpose is the promotion of the 19 open-air museums in Romania.
Since June 2008 the Association has been relocated to Bucharest, in the “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum. Since then, AMALR has been managed by the manager of the “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum, Mrs. Paulina Popoiu.
The association has 19 members, the most important open-air museums in Romania and also 20 individuals.
The association has the following scope:
– promotion of a network of national and local ethnographic museums, among Romanians;
– promotion of a network of national and local open-air museums among the European museums;
– promotion of the countrywide and worldwide professional dialogue and the scientific and methodological expertise exchange;
– ongoing support of the professional training of young professionals, at national and international level;
– organization and attendance of national and international conferences dealing with the areas of interest of the museums: ethnographic research, preservation, restoration, promotion of public actions, museum-related pedagogic activities;
– consulting the specialists in the field, depending on the legislative needs of the museums;
– facilitating the exchange of visits between Romanian and foreign specialists, participating to international scientific events; using the exchange of national expertise in the specialized international publications;
In 2012 the Association held two meetings dealing with the specificity of open-air museums and the opportunity to organize professional training programs for the museum employees. The Association has committed to take all necessary steps to organize museum curator, museum guide, museum conservator and museum restorer classes. AMALR is currently conducting the required changes to its bylaws. The AMALR members have requested the association to get involved in programs with external national and international funding.
Since 2012, AMALR has been a member of the District Culture Committee. As a member of this organization, AMALR aims at contributing to the development of the professional training programs and at contributing to the establishment of occupations, qualifications and occupational standards in the field of heritage protection.
In 2012 AMALR concluded a partnership with “ASOCIATIA CELE MAI FRUMOASE SATE DIN ROMANIA” (MOST BEAUTIFUL ROMANIAN VILLAGES ASSOCIATION) which targets the promotion of traditional Romanian villages. Another aim is to cooperate with national and international tour operators, in order to support the growth of rural tourism.


Muzeul Naţional al Satului “ Dimitrie Gusti “, Bucharest City
Complexul Naţional Muzeal „ Astra” – Muzeul Civilizaţiei Transilvane “ Astra” , Sibiu City, Sibiu County
Muzeul Satului Bănăţean “ Pădurea Verde”, Timşoara City, Timiş County
Muzeul de Etnografie şi Artă Populară, Tulcea City
Muzeul de Etnografie şi Artă Populară, Baia Mare City, Maramureş County
Muzeul Maramureşului, Sighetu Marmaţiei City, Maramureş County
Muzeu Ţării Oaşuluim Negreşti–Oaş City, Maramureş County
Muzeul Bucovinei (Complexul Muzeal Bucovina), Suceava City, Suceava County
Muzeul „ Arta lemnului”, Câmpulung Moldovenesc City, Suceava County
Muzeul Vrancei, Secţia de Arhitectură şi Tehnică populară ”Crângul Petreşti”
Vânători village, Vrancea County
Muzeul Viticulturii şi Pomiculturii, Goleşti City, Argeş County,
Muzeul Brănean, Bran City, Braşov County
Muzeul Satului Vâlcean, Bujoreni Village, Vâlcea County
Muzeul Satului Vâlcean, Măldărăşti Museum Complex, Măldărăşti village, Vâlcea County
Muzeul Etnografic Reghin, Reghin City, Mureş County
Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei, Cluj – Napoca City, Cluj County
Muzeul Naţional Secuiesc Sf. Gheorghe City, Covasna County
Muzeul Naţional Secuiesc al Ciucului (Muzeul Naţional Secuiesc), Miercurea-Ciuc City, Harghita County
Muzeul Haszmann Pal (Muzeul Naţional Secuiesc) Cernat City, Covasna County

Individual members:
dr. Iulian Dalin Toma – universitary professor – Art National Univerisity
dr. Daniela Frumuşanu – universitary professor – Art National Univerisity
Margiol Nicolae – President, The most beautiful villages from Romania Assocaition
Cosmin Matei – web designer

Honorific members:
Ph. d. Georgeta Stoica, researcher
Ph. d. Corneliu Bucur, researcher
Ph. d. Mihai Dăncuş, researcher
Ph. d. Titi Iliescu, researcher
Ph. d. Rusalin Işfănoni, researcher
Ph. d. Doina Işfănoni, researcher
Ph. d. Aurelia Cosma, researcher
Ph. d. Ioan Opriş – preşedinte, Centrul Naţional de Cercetare şi Documentare în domeniul muzeologiei „Radu Florescu”
Ph. d. Simona Munteanu, researcher
Ph. d. Ana Bârca, researcher
Ph. d. Ioan Toşa, researcher
Ph. d. Tibi Graur, researcher
Ioana Dăncuş, researcher